Sneak peek invitation — New personal work by Marko Kulik

Hi every­one!

I’m Marko, the owner admin of the web­site. Nor­mally when I post from the blog it is to pub­lish a pod­cast, an image of the month or to fea­ture pho­tographs from dif­fer­ent pho­tog­ra­phers. This post though is to invite you to see some new work that I have pub­lished on a new per­sonal site called

One of the rea­sons I started this new site is because I feel this web­site is devoted to the pho­tog­ra­phy com­mu­nity at large and not my own per­sonal work. But I have been shoot­ing A LOT of per­sonal work lately and wanted to fea­ture the work in 1 place. In par­tic­u­lar, I have been pho­tograph­ing cities at night using inten­tional cam­era move­ment and long expo­sures. You can see those images in the new gallery called Impres­sion­is­tic Cities at Night. This is an ongo­ing project, and I will talk about and post new pho­tos to that gallery reg­u­larly. I also intend to upload and talk about older work.

Although I almost never ask for favors.….I have a favor to ask if you enjoy my work. Please go to any page on and enter your email address at the top of any page to sub­scribe to updates. These updates will talk mainly about the work being pro­duced and I will never sell, trade, share or pimp out your per­sonal infor­ma­tion in any way. You can can­cel at any­time. Thanks so much in advance and here is a peek at the open­ing image on the site. Thanks again, Sin­cerely — Marko Kulik

Carré Jacques Cartier - Montréal by Marko Kulik

Carré Jacques Cartier — Mon­tréal by Marko Kulik



  1. Marko , you picked a won­der­ful image for your front page. Sim­ple and yet com­plex. A love the over­all sub­dued hue , with the band of blue win­dows. And you have achieved con­verg­ing ( diverg­ing ) lines using cam­era motion . Many attempts end up as sim­ply par­al­lel lines. You have my atten­tion. Michael

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