103 — Photography umbrella for rain and snow

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #103 talks about a wet weather pho­tog­ra­phy umbrella con­trap­tion that I recently put together. Basi­cally it’s a GIANT golf umbrella and a sling.
I’ve been shoot­ing a lot in the rain and snow lately and some­times you need to have both hands free. This umbrella con­trap­tion allows you to keep both hands on the cam­era and works well in heavy rain or snow so long as it’s not too windy.

This giant 68″ dou­ble canopy Gust­buster golf umbrella in a sling gives you close to 30 inches of dry shoot­ing when it’s not too windy.


A close-up of the sling I pur­chased from brellabag.com — It’s pricey at $30. but works well when the sling is loaded with heav­ier items like a long lens or bot­tle of water.

Links /resources men­tioned in this pod­cast:
Gust­buster umbrel­las
– Pod­cast #88 — Rain pho­tog­ra­phy
“Lights” is our reg­u­lar forum assign­ment for Decem­ber
– Ugly duck­lings — look­ing for beauty in every­thing  is our level 2 assign­ment for December

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Thanks to cartman75, Benny and Gale who posted  blog com­ments about our last pod­cast. Thanks as always to every­one that sent com­ments by email about our last pod­cast. Although ALL com­ments are appre­ci­ated, com­ment­ing directly in this blog is pre­ferred. Thanks as well to all the new mem­bers of the bul­letin board. Most of the links to actual the prod­ucts are affil­i­ate links that help sup­port this site. Thanks in advance if you pur­chase through those links.

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Thanks for lis­ten­ing and keep on shooting!


  1. A.Barlow says:

    As far as light­ing goes you might check out some of the stuff at Wimberly.com. You could also make your own a com­pany called RAM sells pretty much the exact parts you need to make all kinds of things. The fin­ish isn’t that great but I sus­pect you could have a ton of fun with what they offer.

  2. skcazador says:

    After the pod­cast, grabbed my golf umbrella, a jacket with inside pock­ets and recre­ated the same effect. Fab­u­lous idea for work­ing in the rain hands-free.

  3. amber says:

    I just may have to get an umbrella now. I’d never had a use for one before.

  4. cartman75 says:

    That looks like a cool pho­tog­ra­phy con­trap­tion Marko, I’m going to have to try some­thing sim­i­lar. Thanks for another pod­cast I always wait for them.

  5. Great pod­cast, Marko. Love the idea but it would never work here in Hal­i­fax, NS. It’s almost always very windy when we get rain :( Still, I bet there are many that would find this quite use­ful. Peo­ple need to get out and get shoot­ing in the rain more often as there are lots of pho­to­graphic pos­si­bil­i­ties in the rain.

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