Vintage photo of the day Feb. 15, 2011

The vin­tage photo of the day is Side­long Glance by French‚photographer‚Robert Dois­neau and was taken in 1948. Dois­neau is one of France’s most famous pho­tog­ra­phers and many of his images like Kiss by the Hotel de Ville are con­sid­ered iconic.

Sidelong Glance by Robert Doisneau - 1948

Side­long Glance by Robert Dois­neau — 1948

What makes this pho­to­graph so appeal­ing is the sense of story and sense of humour. The woman is look­ing at the art in the‚foreground painting‚but the man sees ‘art’ in a dif­fer­ent paint­ing off to the side. The model’s bare bot­tom in the paint­ing is the bright­est ele­ment in the image so our eye (as well as the man’s rov­ing eye) goes right to it. The point of view of the image, the fab­u­lous tim­ing, as well as the fact that the sub­jects seem unaware that they are being pho­tographed all add to this image’s appeal.


  1. What a beau­ti­ful image — but when is a Dois­neau not beautiful…

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