Every month on our photography forum members nominate images that they like. Then at the end of the month I choose an excellent image and talk about why it rocks. The photo I choose is not necessarily the best one of the month. I’ve come to realize it’s not really logical to pit images from totally different genres against each other. That’s why there are categories in photo contests. I just choose a photo that has extremely strong elements that we can learn from.

A snowy morning by Bambi
This month’s choice is‚A snowy morning by Bambi
I chose this image for several reasons:
Mood — This image has a wonderful mood and this mood is created by the falling snow, the snow covered branches in the foreground against the darker toned trees in the midground and of course the figure in the background. A shallower depth of field with the sharpest elements in the foreground might not have been the obvious choice for many photographers, but it is rocking this image big-time! The shutter speed catching the suspended snow is also helping the mood. The Black and white conversion is very well done, and it suits and enhances the other elements contributing to the overall mood.
Composition — Very well done here! There are ‘layers’ of interesting things for our eyes to look at starting from the foreground and continuing to the background where the focal point (the person) is. Our eye is well guided through this wintery ‘tunnel’.
Exposure/shutter speed — Both are well handled here. The shutter speed ‘freezes‚ ’ the falling snow here. A good exposure keeps the whites in check and offers up wonderful tonality with a good range of tones. If I have 1 teeny niggle I might burn in the lightest branches at top right by maybe 5%.
For all these reasons, this is my choice for image of the month. Since we all have opinions, some members may disagree with my choice. That’s cool but THIS post is not the place for debate over my pick, NOR is it the place to further critique the image. The purpose here is to suggest strong elements in the photo that we may learn from.
Congrats again Bambi for capturing this gorgeous scene!
thanks so much Marko for choosing this and the feedback!!
What an amazingly beautiful photo Bambi. It makes winter so appealing. A wonderful choice for photo of the month. Congratulations — jimmy
Wonderful, moody capture, Bambi!