Photo of the day — Dec. 22, 2010

Because Mon­treal now has snow every­where, here’s another snowy shot; this time it’s a cat.

Yes­ter­day I was dog walk­ing Zeusy, and a cat spot­ted this 7 pound ter­ror. Zeus started bark­ing insanely but the cat barely moved. (That’s one of the things I love about cats btw. Unlike dogs that waste their energy willy-nilly, cats will only ‘waste’ energy if they have to). All the cat did was get up from where is was rest­ing, locked focus on the dog, and raised it’s hack­les (back fur) which made its body big­ger. Basi­cally the cat was say­ing, “you want a piece of ‚this, come and get it, but I ain’t moving!”

And that’s what drew me to the shot. It’s the cat’s ges­ture that helps sug­gest a story.

Cat with Raised Hackles

Cat with Raised Hackles

I should also men­tion that after we took the shot and moved on the cat sat right back down to rest in the snow.


  1. Glenn Euloth says:

    Whew! Glad you didn’t get any closer, I think you’d be patch­ing up some claw marks in Zeus! :) Nicely taken!

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