Photography tips (recap) — Photography podcast #50

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #50 recaps many of the pho­tog­ra­phy tips talked about in the past 49 pho­tog­ra­phy pod­casts. Here are some quick tips talked about in this pod­cast cho­sen from pre­vi­ous photo pod­casts; Watch­ing the back­grounddepth of fieldfill flashexpo­sure in pho­tog­ra­phypaint­ing with lightfram­ing your sub­jectinten­tional blurpolar­iz­ing and neu­tral grad fil­tersdig­i­tal in cam­era fil­terspat­ternslead­ing linesthe rule of thirds in pho­tog­ra­phydelib­er­ate under­ex­po­sureshutter-speeds - using shad­ows cre­ativelywide angle lensespos­ing mod­elsusing reflec­torsstu­dio setups for begin­nerscheap macro pho­tog­ra­phyone light por­traitslow-light pho­tog­ra­phyusing his­tograms your rights as a pho­tog­ra­phersim­ple back light­ing out­doorsbright­ness and other dis­trac­tionspho­tograph­ing babiesdodg­ing and burn­ing in pho­tog­ra­phy.

I’d also like to thank Las­zlo, Dominic Fuiz­zotto, Dita Kubin, Ann Dahlgren, Raphael Gold­chain, Vicky Reed, Jolene Mon­heim and Andre Nan­tel for the infor­ma­tive inter­views that they let me record with them. More inter­views are already sched­uled for future podcasts.

Here’s a quick snap­shot of a small part of Parc-Lafontaine where I have been recently record­ing these podcasts.

Thanks as always to Lan­don, Benny, San­dra 543, Man­a­ma­rak, Clau­dia regina, destruc­tivemi­crowave, ratio, kath­leen, taffy, kiddo, dag, trhoads, megster85, langdon9720, Richard Annable, kate and Ash­muddy for recent com­ments and sug­ges­tions. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.

If you wanted to review the pod­cast in Itunes it would be most appre­ci­ated. You’ll need to down­load Itunes for free and you can search for the pod­cast if you don’t know where it is. You can search the itunes store for pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast — pho­tog­ra­phy blog and you’ll see my name (Marko Kulik). You’ll see the icon with the word and under that, you’ll see cus­tomer reviews with a link to post a review. It takes a few min­utes to do this (and you’ll need reg­is­ter for an apple ID) so I thank you in advance for tak­ing the time. If you know itunes well, you can also do a power search from the quick links menu on the front page of the Itunes store and it will be faster.

If you are look­ing at this mate­r­ial on any other site except — Please hop on over to the blog and pod­cast and get this and other pho­tog­ra­phy info directly from the source. I Sub­scribe with iTunes I Sub­scribe via RSS feed I Sub­scribe with Google Reader I


  1. Gosh! You seem so happy in this pod­cast!! That’s nice! =)

    (And you’ve said my name! It’s funny in eng­lish, but it was nice to hear)

    Actu­ally I real­ized that I lis­ten to your pod­cast for so long and the first com­ment I made was a cri­tique! xD So sorry for that!

    Con­grats and keep going =)

  2. Rifter says:

    Wow, here’s another that has recently dis­cov­ered your pod­cast. I have them all in my Sansa, and am slowly going through them. :-)

  3. Susan says:

    Marko, I ditto the pre­vi­ous com­ments. Just found your pod­cast this morn­ing and can’t wait to hear the pre­vi­ous and future podcasts!!!


  4. Jon says:

    I too recently dis­cov­ered your pod­cast. Lis­ten­ing to this med­ley of pod­casts made me fill my playlist with your older pod­casts. Thanks for your work. I’ll go and check the “Wide angle lens”-podcast now.


  5. LanceJ says:

    Marko, con­grat­u­la­tions on your 50th pod­cast! Giv­ing a quick overview of all your pre­vi­ous shows was a great idea. I recently “dis­cov­ered” your pod­cast, so I was glad to hear about all the ones I had not lis­tened to yet.

    Keep up the great work! I learn a lot from your pro­gram. I look for­ward to the next 50.



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