Stairway to Heaven .….…nope

What is going on here?‚

Where does the lad­der go?

Are there treats at the end of the ladder?

This pho­to­graph is an excel­lent exam­ple of lens com­pres­sion. For those that may not know, longer lenses tend to com­press the fore­ground and back­ground while wide angle lenses tend to do the reverse. I shot this scene on 1 frame from about 50 feet away. The white in the back­ground is actu­ally a mas­sive con­tainer filled with oil and the lad­der is part of that con­tainer. The tree is actu­ally about 20 feet in front of the container.

I shot this scene from my car while snow was lightly falling. Exif data — Shot at ISO (The light was quickly fading)‚1000 F-16 at 1/400 at the long end of my 70–200 zoom lens. You can click the image to make it tastier on the eyes.


  1. Mikael says:

    No wor­ries Marko, I under­stand. I’m glad you have a long list of top­ics. I’m look­ing for­ward to them all. Thanks for the tips and links.

  2. admin says:

    Hey thanks for the com­ment Mikael. Thanks as well for the pod­cast sug­ges­tion. Maybe one day I’ll try that topic but for now I have too many actual pho­tog­ra­phy pod­casts planned to con­sider doing one on mar­ket­ing blogs…plus, hon­estly — I’m just not the best marketer…

    But I don’t want you to go away empty handed so here goes. Here’s 3 tips to get­ting blog vis­i­tors.
    1 — Post use­ful mate­r­ial often (daily is best)
    2 — Com­ment on a few related blogs reg­u­larly. The more use­ful the com­ment, the bet­ter.
    3 — Read and sub­scribe to other mar­ket­ing blogs/podcasts. 2 that I know are excel­lent are Six pix­els of sep­a­ra­tion and Mar­ket­ing Over Coffee

    Hope that helps,


  3. Mikael says:

    Nice shot, you really got me there. You got a really good eye for inter­est­ing shots.

    I have a sug­ges­tion for a topic you might want to bring up in one of you future pod­casts, not too :-) though; The top things to do to get peo­ple to visit and com­ment your blog (no pod­cast though). I have a pretty new blog that I haven’t really mar­keted yet. It’s all about make my pho­tos being seen and to share my hobby pho­tog­ra­phy life. I hope you like the idea.



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