2 old bananas huddle for warmth in the snow

Much to my delight some­one tossed out 2 old bananas. Then I came upon them and decided “hey bananas in the snow, cooool”

The first shot‚shows the real bananas and the sec­ond shot‚shows the bananas after hav­ing frozen to death. OR… the sec­ond shot shows still­born oxy­gen deprived bananas.

Kid­ding aside all‚I did to get the deep blue in the sec­ond shot was push the hue/saturation slider all the way to the right in pho­to­shop. Shot at F5.6 at 1/200 ISO 100. Click the images to make them big­ger, and of course…you are invited to comment.


  1. admin says:

    Hey Marko, I really like the first shot, the yellow/black/white com­bi­na­tion works very well as a con­trast with the snow. How did you get the white bal­anc­ing right? Auto white bal­ance is often off when shoot­ing snow. The fun thing is, the orig­i­nal shot has a blue tint in the snow, but in the edited shot, the blue tint is gone from the snow, but very appar­ent in the banana.”

    It was pretty over­cast that day which may have con­tributed to the AWB (auto­matic white bal­ance) being okay.

    And you are right the tint shift in the blue banana is cool. I guess it shifted all the tones in a lin­ear fash­ion because really all i did was move the hue/saturation slider (under the mas­ter set­ting) all the way to the right.

  2. Yves says:

    Hey Marko, I really like the first shot, the yellow/black/white com­bi­na­tion works very well as a con­trast with the snow. How did you get the white bal­anc­ing right? Auto white bal­ance is often off when shoot­ing snow. The fun thing is, the orig­i­nal shot has a blue tint in the snow, but in the edited shot, the blue tint is gone from the snow, but very appar­ent in the banana.

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