Even at the end of the day the ‘machine’ keeps working

Now that I’ve resolved to take my cam­era with me more often, I’m likely to shoot more city scapes…like this one. This is just a small part of the enor­mous Shell refin­ery on the east­ern part of the island Mon­treal. It was a quick shot since the light was fad­ing fast. It was shot at ISO 1000 at 1/80 at F.2.8.

Shots like these tend to bother me some­what. There is a sense of indus­try here. Things are hap­pen­ing. Machines are work­ing. Machines are polluting.

.…..and yet the colours and the con­trast seem intrigu­ing. What do you think?

photograph of refinery


  1. Dean Owen says:

    I think that pre­sent­ing a crooked, over­com­pressed image on a photo blog is not a good idea.

  2. Tom Doyle says:

    I like these kind of shots. You’re right, some­thing dan­ger­ous & pol­lut­ing is going on. It’s all so mys­te­ri­ous & looks like it could blow up any sec­ond, adds to the drama & tension.

  3. cora says:

    Out stand­ing. The orange and blue col­ors make a pow­er­full visual statement

  4. admin says:

    Hi br0_cam, thanks for the com­ment!
    This shot was on auto­matic white bal­ance. I did adjust the lev­els slightly in post pro­cess­ing but that’s it.

  5. br0_cam says:

    Nice shot! With the win­ter leaves very lit­tle time to take pics (at least for me). I do not get off work until 5pm lol. I do like th epic — was curi­ous if you had this on a pre­set WB set­ting such as the ‘cloudy’ set­ting… (curious)


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