Valentine’s day pet photography is another web­site that I help run and lately on the bul­letin board we have monthly pet pho­tog­ra­phy chal­lenges. This month’s chal­lenge is Pet Valen­tines and here is one of the 3 pho­tographs that‚I entered. The point is that there are soooo many pet lovers out there…and almost every­one has a cam­era so why not take some fun por­traits of your pets?

I’ll be doing a pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast on pet pho­tog­ra­phy in the near future so stay tuned for some tips! For this pho­to­graph I used win­dow light on an over­cast day and used bounced fill flash to fill in Ziglet’s (my boy cat’s)‚fur.

pet photography


  1. Hi Marc I’m a new lis­tener just stop­ping by the site for a look see. Love the cast. I just start load­ing up the first 10–20 shows. I saw the pic­ture and the title a decided to leave a com­ment here cause when I was a kid we had a siamese like the cat in the photo. And her birth­day (drum roll please) fell on Valentine’s Day! Any­way great show and keep up the great work.

    Jason from

  2. tanya says:

    Very cool place. Just found your site. I am also from Montreal…

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