Painting with light — photography podcast #8

This pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast focuses on paint­ing with light, a tech­nique where you actu­ally illu­mi­nate or ‘paint’ a per­son or object with a light source like a flash­light. The results are fun and inter­est­ing and we hope you’ll com­ment. Below are some of the images talked about in the show. Click the pho­tographs to enlarge them.

painting with light photo painting with light photograph

painting with light photograph

painting with light

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast tran­script #8


  1. Me Me says:
  2. I would like to intro­duce you all to a totally dif­fer­ent form of “Paint­ing with Light” pho­tog­ra­phy, as described in Wikipedia.

    Dis­cov­ered by John N. Cohen amaz­ing pic­tures with­out a com­puter, dark­room, or any expen­sive equipment.

    John won many top inter­na­tional awards and had over 20 one-man exhi­bi­tions in USA and in Europe.”

    Please have a look at: —

    Ref­er­ence: —

  3. admin says:

    Sounds like a very inter­est­ing project Robert! — Hop­ing you’ll post more shots in the near future.
    THx — Marko

  4. I am doing a series of about 25 of these over the next few nights demon­strat­ing things that American’s take for granted and why we should not fear the depression.

    It is both a project to increase aware­ness and another to cheer peo­ple up about their own posi­tion in life because of the eco­nomic situation.

  5. admin says:

    I’d LOVE to see those pho­tos Fool­ish­nun!
    Glad you liked the show!

  6. Foolishnun says:

    Had a lot of fun try­ing this just now! Thanks for the tip! i got some really pho­tos by illu­mi­nat­ing water and cast­ing mov­ing light through it.


  1. […] #8 – Anoth­er­pod­cast on light paint­ing Patrick Rochon on Patrick Rochon’s web­site 10 Amaz­ing Light Graf­fiti Artists […]

  2. […] #8 – Another pod­cast on light paint­ing Patrick Rochon on Patrick Rochon’s web­site 10 Amaz­ing Light Graf­fiti Artists […]

  3. […] For some tips and exam­ples check the link in our pho­tog­ra­phy forum You can also take a lis­ten to our paint­ing with light podcast […]