I was just thinking earlier tonight (actually Lovin wanting to add a photo into the 'Your City or Town at Night' thread got me onto this idea) about an online map that members can visit and place a marker for themselves on their location.
I've looked at Google maps and started a test map to see how it works. Seems simple enough ... we invite members to join and the members drag a placemarker to their locality. Clicking on the marker then opens a box where they can place a photo and some info about themselves.
End result ... we can see where everyone is more or less.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like ...
Edited by Marko Admin - Here's another link to the ACTUAL and Real Photography.ca community map
As you can see ... we get a list to the left of all the members names as well.
Perhaps someone knows a better system for this?
Perhaps this isn't something wanted here?