I was wondering whether a way to attract more forum action might be for Marko (and perhaps guest photographers Marko knows) to pick out a photo from the 'Critique' or Show Your Photo' forums each month, and do an indepth review on the photo.
The photo would be a photo that Marko feels is a particularly good effort and then would discuss the photos particular elements he likes (composition, lines, patterns, technique etc etc) making it a positive review.
This would encourage members to show more photos and could be used almost like an Award. Something like ... "Photography.ca Marko's Monthly Choice Award"
Perhaps an additional idea (perhaps in a board of it's own) would be a "Members Monthly Choice" where a poll is put up with several photos to vote on.
This might even be an opportunity for a different member to be chosen each month to make the choices of, say, 5 photos including 1 of their own if they want.
Marko can set the poll to only show the results when the poll expires (I think Vbulletin does that).