As an outdoorsperson, everyone has probably had to deal with these once or twice. They rate just under stinging nettles and poison ivy.
This is a discussion on Nemesis within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; As an outdoorsperson, everyone has probably had to deal with these once or twice. They rate just under stinging nettles ...
As an outdoorsperson, everyone has probably had to deal with these once or twice. They rate just under stinging nettles and poison ivy.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
Fantastic focus and detail.
Yes, these guys are nasty.
Me on Flickr
Love the clear detail on the green Background.
These are especially nasty when the get embedded in dog hair....and hard to yank out!...My dog (at the time) hated it when it came to burr removal time after a lovely day of bush crashing at the dog park!
"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives"-anonymous
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A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.
Thanks everyone.
As for the burr removal from any hair at all, be it human, or animal, just grab some hair conditioner and rub it in and they will just fall right out with a brushing. Have been using this for many years, and works awesome, no matter how long the hair.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
Wow Good to know...I never would have thought of that!
Thanks for that HBG!
but, another quick animal tip:
Best skunk odor smell removal involves a bath with using combination of Dawn Dishwashing soap and baking soda rubbed vigorously into the affected beast. I used conditioner afterward to keep his skin from drying out too.
Warning though.... Keep away from the face though so it avoids the eyes.
Believe me, When Chase got nailed by one who wandered in the backyard I tried everything and that combination got a good chunk of that smell out the first day. he still stank to high heaven when he got wet (which was every day being a Lab mix) but at least when he dried he didn't smell nearly as bad.
"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives"-anonymous
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the combination of colors is really nice as is the selective focus.
Wonderful! Love the sharpness with the beautiful background. My only nettle (get it?) is that I wish you had either broke off that out of focus branch or increased the DOF just a bit more to get it all in focus.
And if we're trading secrets for sticky things here's one from me. Next time you have your hands covered in sticky tree sap from the Christmas tree wash your hands with a little cooking oil first and then soap afterwards. The oil gets rid of the sap and the soap gets rid of the oil.