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Catching some waves

This is a discussion on Catching some waves within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; There's an eddy I sit next to from time to time. There was a tree down in it for a ...

  1. #1
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Default Catching some waves

    There's an eddy I sit next to from time to time. There was a tree down in it for a couple of months that has since washed a bit farther down the river. Mostly, the river is lazy at this point, and shady on the same side as the eddy. So the folks doing a river float tend to drift to that side and lay back and relax, not realizing that it's there. The efforts of people to avoid the rocks when they find out is sometimes funny. (the rocks are easily avoided and most of the river there is shallow, so there isn't much danger to anything except the rafts)
    The eddy itself:
    Name:  Water 1.jpg
Views: 267
Size:  201.6 KB
    Name:  Water 4.jpg
Views: 259
Size:  217.7 KB
    And waves
    Name:  Water 13.jpg
Views: 273
Size:  227.2 KB

  2. #2
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    More waves
    Name:  Water 15.jpg
Views: 267
Size:  227.7 KB Name:  Water 16.jpg
Views: 263
Size:  196.9 KB
    Name:  Water 26.jpg
Views: 265
Size:  214.9 KB

  3. #3
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    The water is deep enough in that spot to be noticeably green. There's just enough plant debris that you sometimes notice it in the waves.
    Name:  Water 20.jpg
Views: 261
Size:  210.8 KB
    Name:  Water 36.jpg
Views: 255
Size:  225.4 KB

  4. #4
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
    Mad Aussie is offline Moderator
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    I like water shots. That 1st shot in post #3 is nice with the green in it.

    Can you fish in here?

  5. #5
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, you can, and people do year round. There's a sign near that spot detailing the equipment allowed and limits. The river along that stretch is mostly no deeper than hip deep, so there are regulars that just wade out to the middle and cast. One of my coworkers sometimes goes out on his lunch hour and fishes.

    There's an official trout habitat maybe a quarter mile upriver. I don't know if Fish and Game does any stocking, but they might.
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  6. #6
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
    Mad Aussie is offline Moderator
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    Cool. I thought it looked like a nice trout river.


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