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This is a discussion on "Monsters" within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I photograph the log regularly. It looks like it would bit your hand off, doesn't it? The other one looks ...

  1. #1
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Default "Monsters"

    I photograph the log regularly. It looks like it would bit your hand off, doesn't it? The other one looks like a face to me. Lower loop for the lower lip, and the two loops just above for the eyes (It's a bit easier to see in the late fall, when there's less growth). I've turned both subjects into Halloween "cards" in the past.
    Name:  Log 1.jpg
Views: 230
Size:  209.2 KBName:  Roots 1.jpg
Views: 255
Size:  226.8 KB

  2. #2
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
    Mad Aussie is offline Moderator
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    Great imagination ... I can see the faces

  3. #3
    Bambi's Avatar
    Bambi is offline Senior Member
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    very cool. I love the one on the left. you could have a lot of fun with it in PP
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