As time goes on, I feel more and more drawn to b/w photography. I was driving through the tiny fishing community of Deep Bay (pop. 141) this evening and this scene caught my eye, with the normally turbulent North Atlantic as calm as a sheet of glass.
So I jumped out of the car and took this shot handheld, even though I figured the light was too far gone. I was surprised when I got home, uploaded it to my computer, and saw that it didn't turn out half bad after all, considering how dark it was at the time.
I used the Sony Alpha with my ancient but trusty Minolta Maxxum 35-70mm F/4 lens at ISO100 and 1/10 sec; amazing that it turned out at all without a tripod at that speed.
As you all know by now, I just love these views of old fishing stages, wharves, and lobster traps on the rugged shores. It will likely take me a lifetime to capture all there is to see on this island, especially at the rate I have been going lately! Hopefully my health with allow me to get out more often, now that spring has finally sprung. (saw our first robins this week)
Focus On Newfoundland : about my photography: