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A better first pic - I hope!

This is a discussion on A better first pic - I hope! within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I am new to the forum and would love comments or suggestions to help me improve. Getting images "tack sharp" ...

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    Default A better first pic - I hope!

    I am new to the forum and would love comments or suggestions to help me improve. Getting images "tack sharp" has been a challenge. I know this one is will try try again. This is a small park/creek near my location on Vancouver Island. I am also trying to learn post processing...any suggestions?

    Name:  Stocking-Creek-bridge-web.jpg
Views: 293
Size:  201.5 KB

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Wicked Dark's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome aboard.

    Well you already know the major problem - it's out of focus. Not sure if this was handheld as well, but it looks it. Keep this rule of thumb in mind - shutter speed at or above the focal length of the lens. So if you're at 100mm make sure your shutter speed is at 1/125 or faster. To get that nice smooth water in a stream, you're going to need a tripod to manage the slow shutter speed you'll need to use.

    It also could use a bit of contrast. Compositionally it's pretty good though, the only thing I'd do is crop out the large log in the bottom, leaving the nice mossy rocks. This way a viewer's attention stays where you (premsumably) want it - on the bridge and stream.
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  3. #3
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum, Nancy! This is a good first shot. I hope you enjoy your visit with us.

    I don't like to critique too much unless the image is in the critique section but I will make one suggestion. Do a little googling on the Rule of Thirds and think about your subject when you snap that shutter. You have a fairly nice shot here but I find the composition a little off.
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  4. #4
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum

    Nice little scene ... loads of shots there just waiting for you to learn and take

    Maybe have a read of 'Learning Photography' pages on my blog, under Resources. It's written for the newbie and might help you get some basics figured out.


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