We are still getting large amounts of rain here in Sth East Queensland (SEQ) and although we aren't in any danger of getting drowned I thought I'd take a short drive to shoot a nearby floodway.
This is literally 1 kilometre (6/10ths of a mile) away.
Excuse the water drops on the lens ... it was a tad wet out there
Stuck in the van waiting for the rain to ease enough to venture out with the camera. Even with the Storm Jacket on the camera and lens I still wasn't game right at this time ...
The road disappears under the flood waters. The faint yellow line I drew on this shows the path of the road. It would be about 5 metres under water in the middle of this I'd guess ... I'm probably under-estimating the depth though
Looking back towards the road
The footpath heading down the hill towards the flood.
The footpath at the flood