Pretty much have the whole creek done now...they will start building it up next!
This is a discussion on The Beaver Damn in Progress within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Pretty much have the whole creek done now...they will start building it up next!...
Pretty much have the whole creek done now...they will start building it up next!
"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives"-anonymous
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Interesting photo, I'm not a subject slave, if you show vision, I'm on your side, that said, consider getting rid of the top river detail completely , you may end up with a more powerful graphic image.
Cool.... thanks W44 I looked your suggestion by scrolling and you are right.
Man o man.... I was there today form the other side of the creek and you get a real sense of how much they've dammed it up if you go form the south side! They've built it up considerably since I was last there!!
I find it really quite fascinating!
"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives"-anonymous
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Nice curve and composition!
Nice composition Casil. I like the way beavers Know that curved lines in a dam will make it much more stable. Humans did it for the Confederation bridge between PEI and New-Brunswick.