...well here in Calgary anyhow...that's it that's all folks!
Now tell me who in our fine city had fun getting to work and back home today?
Lemme see, this morning I observed road rage b/w a cyclist and a driver that resulted in the cyclist getting off his bike then the driver getting outta the car shoutiing "YOU WANNA GO WITH ME BUDDY...YOU to F&%(KING WANNA GO?!!! which then resulted in the driver pushing the cyclist into the snow repeatedly and I think he might have even thrown a punch or two. it ended with more expletives b/w the two combatuers before they both rode off. This was while I was waiting for the bus that never came which ended up in me walking to town (thank goodness only 6 blocks but not fun limping with busted foot nd trying not to slip on snow) to catch the train to school.
Then while waiting again for 20 minutes for a late bus to go back home from school, I catch bus only to have it slide into a tree on the way to c-train which resluted in a huge dent in said bus....fun day!
I am glad I am home...I hear the freeways were a real mess this am.
Anyhow, I digress...here's the photo!