so yesterday, while the turkey is cooking, I take the dogs for their walk. I have my camera, well, because I usually do. Off the trail I see a 5 foot channel of water banked by a big hump of land and then what looks like a pond on the other side. It seems to me that it might make a nice shot because the sun is streaming from the other side. I walk down a little further and the channel narrows to small ditch. So I climb down the bank, hop over and up I go. Now I'm stuck. I look down and my leg is caught in some barbed wire from an old fence line. I disentangle myself and try to remember if I'm up to date on my tetanus. I then make my way back to the spot I had seen by hopping from rock to rock or grass tussock through a swamp. Can I mention that the dogs are gleefully bouncing around threatening to topple me into the swamp at any moment? Finally I get as close as I can. turn on the camera. I have one bar of battery power left
. Oh well. I snap a few shots and wend my way back again. So these are the best of the shots. the sun blew out the sky so I cropped it out. I really really hope it was worth it
and a close up:
and one more I got on the walk home with the dying battery: