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3D Pond in the Public Gardens

This is a discussion on 3D Pond in the Public Gardens within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Ok. Here's something I saw on the 'net and rather than just post a link I decided to try it ...

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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Default 3D Pond in the Public Gardens

    Ok. Here's something I saw on the 'net and rather than just post a link I decided to try it myself. Here are the directions:

    1) Sit comfortably back from the screen (no need to stick your face in the monitor)

    2) Cross your eyes so that the 2 photos become 4 then slowly cross/uncross your eyes until the two images in the middle become a single image and overlap

    3) Voila! 3D! Enjoy.

    Name:  IMG_4517_3D.jpg
Views: 341
Size:  115.8 KB
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    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    That reminds me of the old stereoscope my Gram had back in the early 1900s. Thanks for sharing!

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    kat is offline Senior Member
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    I can't do it :(
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Maybe the original article will help...
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    AntZ's Avatar
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    Wow. After some trial and error I got it to work. You sort of end up with 3 images, but only looking at the middle 1.

    Did you take these IG?

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    Barefoot's Avatar
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    I saw an article on this maybe a year or so ago and mentioned it here a few months back, but never created one to show. Yours works just fine for me, but then I've never had any trouble with stereograms. Good job Iggy.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Exactly! They're kinda cool. The two above (in this thread) are mine. The ones on the other end of the link, of course, are not. I do plan to try a few more as I find more time to shoot.

    To take the the shot turn the camera vertical. Stand with weight on left leg and take shot A then shift weight to right leg and take shot B -- try to avoid up/down motion with the camera and keep the centre point of the shot in the centre.

    Now, when you get back to your "darkroom" reverse the shots so display them like this: Shot B | Shot A
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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Theres various techniques for this sort of thing. I played with it a couple of years back but soon dropped it as a gimick. Too much work for the viewer and too many people who can't see the result properly anyway.

    My daughters ex-boyfriends father introduced me to it originally. He had duel Canon 400D's set up on a single bracket and wired to fire together. This created the two slightly off axis shots needed to create the effect. Then it was put through some software for the job to create a single image to view as opposed to trying to combine two images as above. I found it easier myself but in the end the quality of the photo never seemed to be anything to rave about. The attraction was obvious 3D effect.

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    I can't do it either...I have double vision issues so I can never really see stuff like eyes don't work that way.... true!: headslap:
    LOL...and no MA it's not from the drink!!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by casil403 View Post
    I can't do it either...I have double vision issues so I can never really see stuff like eyes don't work that way.... true!: headslap:
    LOL...and no MA it's not from the drink!!!!
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