The story behind this shot is…I’ve never shot fireworks before but I find myself at the Canada day display and had to try. First I pulled out the e-510 because it has a fireworks scene mode but it wants to do two second exposures and I only have my tabletop tripod with me and….It wouldn’t work due to the crowds and location. So, I pull out the E-3 and try its Program mode handheld but it’s not responding well. There was nothing left but the choice for manual and the 14-45mm lens. My buddy at the event told me his settings when he shot fireworks with film so I started there. ISO 400, f4ish and 1/30th of a sec. I eventually pulled the shutter down to ˝ a sec or so….Anyway, this very fast learning curve produced the following shot which I was semi happy with as a first effort