This was Runmonty’s idea, so I’ll start with my favorite that he took. I had to dig deep in his Flickr to find it
RM, can you post it, I can’t figure out how to post your images
This is a discussion on Post your favorite photo another member took within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This was Runmonty’s idea, so I’ll start with my favorite that he took. I had to dig deep in his ...
This was Runmonty’s idea, so I’ll start with my favorite that he took. I had to dig deep in his Flickr to find it
RM, can you post it, I can’t figure out how to post your images
"The worst thing about taking a great image is that your next one has to be better!"
Of the photos that I had thought that you may have been alluding to in the other thread, this wasn't one of them.
Interesting choice
I will have a look through yours later today, but already think I know which it will be.
Wear the fox hat by Dwayne, on Flickr
This photo has always stuck in my mind as a photo that tells a great story. You can see the road wear in him, his face, hands, clothes.
It’s what I aim for when I shoot street photography portrait.
"The worst thing about taking a great image is that your next one has to be better!"
Now I am going to have to ask you to post this photo as I am unable to embed it in my post.
I do really like the portraiture that you do of your family too.
There are so many wonderful wildlife shots on Zombiesniper's Flickr page (especially many snowy owl photos) After continually changing my mind I eventually went with this one.
Hey Barefoot, can you please post in this thread as my selection of your photos, a photo you took of a child shaking the hand of a ringmaster outside a circus tent. It sticks in my mind as one of my all time favourite photos i have seen on this forum. It was titled "you've got the job" or something similar. I have searched for it and cant find it.
Like you, this is not one I would have picked either. It was such an easy capture, I don’t think about this image. This image does bring back some great memories. This is the pond I grew up swimming in as a kid.
Since I’m on my phone, I had to move the image to my Imgur acct
"The worst thing about taking a great image is that your next one has to be better!"
I have not looked at RM’s pick of his favorite image by Zombie, but here is mine
"The worst thing about taking a great image is that your next one has to be better!"