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Sunday drive...

This is a discussion on Sunday drive... within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; We got yet another winter blast last night (15 cm snow and -17C with windchill -27C!) so we thought at ...

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    casil403's Avatar
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    Default Sunday drive...

    We got yet another winter blast last night (15 cm snow and -17C with windchill -27C!) so we thought at least a short trip would be a change from sitting inside for yet another day. My hunny gave me a Pentax 75-300mm lens for my b-day (YaY!) so we tried it out at Elbow Falls.
    I have still so much to learn after looking at these but I guess it's all about perseverence!!!!
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    Gem is offline Senior Member
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    Calgary, eh? Lol, that almost makes me want to NOT comment. Jokes!

    I like the first one better; the second seems slightly blown out. The tinge of blue in the water looks cool.

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    casil403's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gem View Post
    Calgary, eh? Lol, that almost makes me want to NOT comment. Jokes!

    I like the first one better; the second seems slightly blown out. The tinge of blue in the water looks cool.
    Yeah, are those Oilers doing anyhow?

    I forgot to set the ISO lower so what turned out was limited.... Also it was pretty misty so there weren't any great mountain shots I was hoping for. :( I'm finding photography is sorta like's the best game in the world when you have a great round and the worst when you don't...then again I guess that can be applied to almost any activity known to man!

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Yeh Gem's right about the 2nd shot there I think Casil.

    The composition of the 1st shot is better in my opinion also. It does seem to be lacking some sharpness though.
    Not sure what focal length you shot with here but I suspect you were testing your new zooms length. I'm guessing we are seeing camera shake for several reasons ... new lens so you aren't use to it (I have the same issue with new lenses) and perhaps the shutter speed was too low for the focal length you used. Judging by the waters blur you used a slow shutter for sure.
    Maybe you were just shivering in those freezing temps

    Is it an image stabilized lens? If not, then once you get over about 200mm or so (depends on the person) you are either going to need a tripod or a faster shutter speed than what you get away with at shorter focal lengths. Frankly even an image stabilized lens only gets you so far before needing the tripod or faster speeds.

    Your exposure is quite good though in that first shot too.

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    casil403's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Mad Aussie;14395]Maybe you were just shivering in those freezing temps

    I'm a shaker to begin with MA! I'm still cold from being out there today....brrrrrr!
    We brought out a tripod and were using it at times (can't remember if we used it here or not) I have a stabilizer function on the camera...would that have helped?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad Aussie View Post
    Maybe you were just shivering in those freezing temps

    I'm a shaker to begin with MA! I'm still cold from being out there today....brrrrrr!
    We brought out a tripod and were using it at times (can't remember if we used it here or not) I have a stabilizer function on the camera...would that have helped?
    If you actually used it perhaps I don't think there's any real substitute for a tripod in this case though.


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