On my recent trip to Red Rock Coulee I wondered why it was not called "Mud Slip Coulee"? The surface of the ground, familiar to me as hard and brittle, had transformed into something entirely different, due to the drenching rains. Walking to get a nice angle was damn near impossible unless one stuck to the grass and shrubs on the ground to walk on, since the rest of the area was 'infested' with ankle deep mud, very very slippery mud, optically very confusing since it did look solid enough to venture onto it (given the pebbles and somewhat larger stones which did not seem to sink in at all). This, and the fact that the rain was relentless and would not stop, temperature was hovering around 8°C, a nice driving wind made me think what the dickens I was doing out there (by the way, I was the only person there, no one else had the will or inclination to go there in such weather). Do not most photographers take pictures in nice dry situations, without the elements playing a nasty role in the activity? Then it occurred to me: it is easy to do that, but not so easy to shoot when one is faced with these obstacles. So I froze my hind quarters off and continued on.