This is the original photo which I took during the recent all night MTB event I shot in the Gold Coast hinterland ...
This is a discussion on Do you believe? within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This is the original photo which I took during the recent all night MTB event I shot in the Gold ...
This is the original photo which I took during the recent all night MTB event I shot in the Gold Coast hinterland ...
From what I can looks good!
Note to self: The new spot you moved the computer has a window that needs some blinds...
ohhh - creepy! (thats my 10 yr olds favorite word lately) thats a pretty cool ps job! my eye was 1st drawn to the shooting star, travelled down the tree trunk & landed on the spooky man. neat lines youve added - makes it almost a "Z" pattern for your eye to follow. the original is beatiful as well!
Lol, I thought of bigfoot to start with. Cool pics.The original and any combination of your add ons would be cool.