Sherman Falls near Hamilton
This is a discussion on Sherman Falls within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Sherman Falls near Hamilton...
Sherman Falls near Hamilton
I posted this a few weeks ago and got no replies. This is my second effort at trying to capture these falls. I still obviously haven't got the magic formula. What could I have done to have improved this pic.
Sorry asnow, must have missed this first time round.
Nice shot, I like it. As to what to do differently,not much, the only comment I have relates to processing. I would maybe consider 8 x 10 vertical aspect as opposed to the nearly square, and then a very slight vignette (but that is just me).
I was glad you bumped the thread back up with your question, since it got me looking a bit longer at the picture to try to answer your question. From what I can see on my monitor, the foreground is sharper than the background. The moving water which is nicely captured in a longer exposure doesn't stand out as much from the slightly blurred background as it could. The trees and greenery around the falls seem slightly blurred to me, perhaps from wind or camera motion (unlikely if you used a tripod). Plus the greenery isn't as well exposed, as there are lots of shadow areas. So for me the photo has some interest, but didn't grab me for those reasons. I would have tried to create an HDR photo from this scene to equalize the bright and darker areas. I also agree with RM's point that seeing more of the trees and less of the foreground rock might help. Hope this helps.
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