While in Heidelberg my family and I had a couple of outings, one of which led us to a meadow on the "Kohlhof"; this is where I used to ski when I was a wee lad. Anyway, my brother pointed to a "Fliegenpilz" right next to a fence, so I shot it. Then I found a way to get on the other side of the fence, and WOW ... never had I seen so many Fly Amanitas. Just incredible. So here are some samples, and so it does not get too boring, a couple of other shrooms as well ...
one bite should do it ....
I'll grow up, you just wait ...
Mom and I ...
They came in droves ...
There is a tree stump under there, believe it or not ...
Familiar in these lands as well .. the Ink Cap
Last: Under the Umbrella