Took this panorama of Castle Mountain, along the Trans Canada Highway on route to Banff. Originally I had 19 images for this, but I reduced it to 11; the bottom trees just had too much ghosting in them and would not stitch properly. Wish I could have taken more time to really do this mountain justice, but the freaking horse flies were eating me alive; and if you know horse flies, they BITE and take CHUNKS outta you. I can handle mosquitoes with some repellent, but those horse flies were murderous. Anyway, one of these days I will go back and take more time. Maybe even later in the day, though this was in mid afternoon, so the light was not all that bad. I used several layers, and played a bit with exposure, curves and vibrancy.
oh, and as per usual, click on the image if you want to see the "reduced" original size. I always reduce height to 1200 pixels, and the file was big enough. If I had left it @ 3800 pixels in height, the file would have been way over 100mb.