Not really, but I was in a cave!!! Soo....Ive never actually explored a cave before with high quality camera equipment and ample time to shoot without anyone interfering or telling me to hurry up. I was equipped with two high intensity LED flashlights, a flash, tripod(sometimes useless), and some throw away clothes. I was on a fishing trip with my old man in Tennessee and while we were out I noticed a big black hole in the side of the mountain. The lake was created by a dam and the water levels change drastically, + or - 30 feet every year. With the water level up, this hole was accessible and I told my pops I had to go check it out. It turned out to be a cave!!!! I told him I would had to return to our site and grab my equipment. Having gone spelunking before, this was no sweat. However, there is a thing called TOTAL DARKNESS. That is 0 light, none, nada, zilch. Whatever you can create is what you have. Now add that to the circumstance, and I totally felt like a kid in a candy store. Its harder than you can image, you see all these cool formations, then you have to take a picture of it in an artistic way......yeah right. You try think you might have done a good job. You get out, return to base and start review the pictures, right wehn you feel like Veni, Vidi, Veci!!!! All confidence is destroyed and you run away with your tail in between your legs. Talk about feeling like a beginner. Oh well, this is what it all looked like, be as it may, it was fun while it lasted!
The actual mountain from a distance in which the cave was situated
IMGP0414 by jjeling, on Flickr
The hole in the side of the mountain.
IMGP0357 by jjeling, on Flickr
This is the last remaining light. The darkness is the entrance in which you need a flashlight to go any further.
IMGP0385 by jjeling, on Flickr