Lately, I haven't been feeling very creative, kinda in a rut...I caught this little guy buzzing in and out of my bee balm...I hope he has helped me on my way back to creativity...
garden visitor by Justin Ryan sr, on Flickr
This is a discussion on Garden visitor within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Lately, I haven't been feeling very creative, kinda in a rut...I caught this little guy buzzing in and out of ...
Lately, I haven't been feeling very creative, kinda in a rut...I caught this little guy buzzing in and out of my bee balm...I hope he has helped me on my way back to creativity...
garden visitor by Justin Ryan sr, on Flickr
Keep an eye on that 'Tools of the Trade' project thread in the assignments forum...I try to add new pictures often!
Looks like you are def. on your way Justin. Like the movement in the just barely visible wings, along with the sharp detail in flower and bees head/body.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
It really wasn't an easy shot to make with a +4 close up filter on my 50 mil lens...I was about six inches away from this little guy!
Keep an eye on that 'Tools of the Trade' project thread in the assignments forum...I try to add new pictures often!
This looks like an excellent start on your way back. Like HBG said like the detail and the faint blurr of the wings.