Trouble with digital photography is that one takes way too many images. This means that after a holiday the stupid idiot photographer needs to sit endless hours to sort through all the images, decide what to keep and what to donate to the black hole in cyberspace (or the bad sectors on the hard drive). Well, here are some images I kept. Starting with one that I thought I try the perspective filter out. This is under the bridge leading to Granville Island.
and here is my attempt to straighten it out:
Caught this guy sitting on a log enjoying the sunset - I suppose he is waiting for his ship to come in ....
and another shot, same area, of two couples waiting for the sunset ....
on the way to Granville Island I spotted this Heron, balancing on one leg ...
and last, here is an image of the almost full moon. The clouds were moving rapidly, so long time exposure had mixed results ....