As some of you already know. We live in an area surrounded by hundreds of miles of bush, but there is a city? (population 8500), north-west of us. Got back from a quad ride with friends and saw some smoke. Went in to check the MNR fire report on net, and yes, had just started a few hours ago. Off for a drive, but did not take the big lenses, but still got a few decent ones in the harsh light, just to show you the action going on.
Very exciting, yet very frightful in a way. Fire is still out of control, and over 2700 hectares in size. Residents told to be at ready for evacuation. They are trying to hold a line around this town now.
Forest fire just north of town.
Save the Gold!!!! This is one of the larger gold mines. They did save it, but lost main power as supply lines got fried.
Fillin' up with water to drop on the fire.