The year is coming to a close. Time to go through your images while you are kicking back with an eggnog (or beer) and find your favourite photograph that you took in 2011 and post it here. It's not about how technically perfect it is, it's about the photograph being your favourite and why it's your favourite.
My favourite this year was the one I printed for the photo swap. I went on the Scott Kelby WorldWide Photowalk this year here in Halifax. They day ended up being kind of miserable due to wet and rainy weather. I was not having a great day and was actually kind of depressed because I was looking forward to a great day and the rain put a huge damper on my morning.
I submitted the shot below to the contest as it was the one shot I got that day that I saw, planned and captured exactly the moment I wanted. I ended up winning the Walk I was in so my image got sent on for the full contest.
I didn't win the contest. However, Scott Kelby composed a list of his personal favourites from the submitted images and this image made it as "Best Atmospheric Shot" - More Images are Honored From My Worldwide Photo Walk « Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider Blog » Photoshop & Digital Photography Techniques, Tutorials, Books, Reviews & More
This is my favourite shot of 2011... what's yours? Post it below