What a spectacular place. It frustrates me to no end that I can't seem to capture how stunning it is in an image. But, it is fun to try! I started out shooting with a wide angle lens but found that all the details were being lost. So I switched to my 28-300mm f 3.5-5.6 IS and tried to concentrate on isolating particular features and details.
I like the rich deep colors in this image. I tend to slightly underexpose in order to bring out the details and saturate the colors. I also like the way that the features in the center of the frame are bathed in sunlight while the surrounding areas are dark. Kind of a nice, natural vignette in the image.
I don't like the lack of what I would call intimacy in this image. It is ok for an overview but I don't think it really draws you in. I like images that place you in the location or moment. I think this one just makes you curious. Not a terrible thing, but more of a challenge for me to get the viewer more involved. Do you know what I mean?