Fallen Leaves Fallen Glove
Flower Shop
This is a discussion on Autumn within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Fallen Leaves Fallen Glove Flower Shop Cosmos...
Fallen Leaves Fallen Glove
Flower Shop
Last edited by JAS_Photo; 10-03-2011 at 01:30 AM.
River Rocks
I like the flow and green water of the river
this is a terrific set- all are well composed and processed. My favourite is the River Rocks shot for the angle, light and water.
Feel free to make comments on any of my shots
my blog: http://bambesblog.blogspot.com/
My flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bambe1964/
A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.
Very well done on all JAS, but if I had to pick a favourite, would be the water shot also.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
Very nice set. Guess I'm going to be different, my favourite is Fallen Leaves Fallen Glove. Makes me think of fall with the leaves on the ground and having to put on gloves to go out and rake them.
Thanks, all! The water shots are something I am particularly working on but since I photograph in the city, I often bring home photos with little bits of garbage in them that I did not see at the time, especially once the heavy filters go on. :(
Asnow, that was exactly my thinking when I saw the glove on the ground. I had been trying to photograph a single leaf but a wind came up and shuffled it along and that's when I found the glove. Heaven only knows what all those jogger types must think when they see me sitting on the side of the path with a tripod and photographing some old glove!
Interesting shots Jackie. I'm a big fan of rocks and water, and that shot if great. But my favorite here is the Cosmos against the brick wall. Love the hard light shadows. Thanks for sharing these.
Existence has no goal. It is pure journey. The journey in life is so beautiful, who bothers for the destination. B. Rajneesh
the light in the flowers is so dreamy. I like the way it warms them up and the bricks. and like I said on flickr, the slice of water is terrific. I have a lost glove shot, too, funny what photographers are drawn to.