(Iggy I blame u for this...its 11pm and I have to be up at 5:30 :(...but now my brain wont stop)
k so I decided to post a few examples for anyone who is curious about reverse lens macros
"In my experience the f stop is F00, and the only thing you can really control is the shutter speed. I use my kit lens 18-55mm, and when I'm at the 18mm end I have to be extremely close, like within an inch but I can focus on something extremely small like a spider eye, but when I'm at the 55mm range i can be about 3 inches away and id almost get the whole spider in the frame"
when you change between say 18-55mm you do have to make adjustments to your shutter speed or the pic is over exposed
these are at the 18mm range and u can see there is a very small depth of field
hosta flower pollen/seed
scotch/Irish moss flower
and these where taken in the 35-55mm range
( no wonder they can cling to a web so well...look at those hairy feet!)
seed pod, never saw those hairs with my own eye
hope this helps anyone wanting to try this...its alot of work to hold still enough to focus, but with some fun results.