Indian Paintbrush
Pussy Toes
Silky Skorpionweed
This is a discussion on Wildflowers from the Kananaskis within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Indian Paintbrush Locoweed Pussy Toes Silky Skorpionweed...
Indian Paintbrush
Pussy Toes
Silky Skorpionweed
~~ Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ~~
All beautiful shots, Matt!
Really beautiful, love the lighting and glowing hairs on the first one
Nice set Matt. Really likin' that smooth bokeh behind the Pussytoes, and the sharpness on that Scorpionweed.
Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!
Nice! Love the back lighting.
I'm here to learn so comments, critiques and complaints are always welcome!
Southern Scenic Photography
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Thanks all ... this weekend was even more interesting, hope to show some soon.
~~ Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ~~
Love the colours and the sharpness, especially number one where you can see the hairs. Also love number two the Locoweed where is really looks like a painting.