Thanks for taking a look !
Here are the basic stages on how the photo was made.
In-camera settings:
This was a camera mistake on my part. The camera rolled off a small log
on to the forest floor right after the self timer count (the camera is fine, D80 are tough lol)
and this is what the camera captured.
-Nikon D80/Nikkor 18-200mmVR
-1/10 second @ f/22
-ISO 100
-Ev -1 1/3
-Vr off
-self timer 5 sec
Software editing: (Nikon Capture NX2)
-straightened the photo (as the camera captured the trees on a 45 degree
-converted the photo to black and white
-lightened (dodge) all the highlights in the photo that are natural occurring
-added tad of global contrast boost
-healed out any sensor dust
-added a blue Duotone tint by moving the WB whitebalance slider to
a very cold temp to add mood to the photo
-added a tad of global USM sharpening
-used the sliders in (levels) to set the final exposure
Take care,
Dwayne Oakes