I happened upon these dirty toilets dumped buy some lazy bum at the side of a country lane. I decided to make light of it ! I hope this doesn't offend anyone - jimmy
This is a discussion on Johnny's in Heaven Now within the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I happened upon these dirty toilets dumped buy some lazy bum at the side of a country lane. I decided ...
I happened upon these dirty toilets dumped buy some lazy bum at the side of a country lane. I decided to make light of it ! I hope this doesn't offend anyone - jimmy
"She liked me on Monday, but it's Friday now, and she has to wash her hair"
I think they're still on their way to heaven, which is the middle of the living room of the bum who dumped them there! Like the color and texture. It works well.