Went to Dry Island Buffalo Jump in Alberta some time ago. This is part of the 'badlands', an aera where the Red Deer River has carved out a valley. Kinda weird situation ... you drive along, and all of a sudden the earth 'drops' away and you have this weird valley. Properties in this valley are like in a desert: hot and dry. So you find cacti there, and in the summer rattle snakes - those are not a common thing in Alberta. Anyway, I became somewhat intrigued with the stone formation, and the erosion that happens in this valley.
Here is the first image, and no, it is not monochrome, although it looks much like it.
This one I call: Toes Cut Off
From toes to tongue; this image's title is :stoned tongue
And somewhere in between the toes and the tongue you might find some "Penile Erosion"