I posted the following as a comment on the podcast, but this seems tobe the proper place to have commented. Sorry about that.
Hi Marko –
I just listened to the Exposure Compensation podcast, and I have to say you (uncharacteristically) left me a bit confused. I shoot with Canon 50D (but have had 20D and 40D — they work the same, as far as I recall).
Suppose I am shooting in Aperture Priority Mode using Evaluative metering, and my exposure at ISO 200 is f/4 at 1/30 seconds. Now if I change the ISO to 400, thinking to lighten the image, it will not do so; instead, I will get f/4 at 1/60 seconds. If I look at the histograms for the two shots, they look the same. The meter has just given the same EV. So that is no way to achieve Exp Comp. If, however, I use the Quick Control Dial, and dial +1, I will get f/4 at 1/15 seconds. So my thinking is that the Exp Comp function overrides the meter.
On the Canons, I don’t think you can change the shutter speed in Av Mode without using the Quick Control Dial, ie, other than using Exp Comp. You can change the Aperture or the ISO, but if you let the meter determine the exposure, no compensation will be achieved.
In Manual Mode, Exp Comp is achieved by moving Exposure indicator needle (I don’t know what else to call it) either to the plus or minus side of the meter’s recommended exposure.
Ok, that’s the way I have understood Exp Comp. Is that what you were saying, or am I totally confused (it wouldn’t be the first time)?