This is a discussion on Photo manipulation within the Photoshop - graphics programs - pluggins - for photography forums, part of the Education & Technical category; I always said I would not replace skies in post production. However, I am starting to rethink that. The new ...
But you already had a beautiful sky in a similar image. Didn't you remove the sky in the black and white image for the effect?
Existence has no goal. It is pure journey. The journey in life is so beautiful, who bothers for the destination. B. Rajneesh
The original black and white version was taken with a totally blue sky (grey after BW conversion). It was taken on a different day to the one you have added
I agree the photo you have added is a nice enough sky and I wouldn't plan replace that.
Certainly I could have taken a black and white sky (or converted a colour sky from a different photo) to to add to the black and white photo. In fact I was heading down that path before I made the photo above.
I kind of liked the effect of the blended colour and black and white photo. Like I said a creative play. One day in the future, I may look back on this and cringe (like I have with some of my early HDR or spot colour)
Since I have shared it on social media I think most people haven't realised it is a photo manipulation and think the foreground is white.
More generally, the Photoshop sky replacement tool is very effective. I have always been aware of the sky and its impact on photos (you will see multiple comments on this forum where I speak of the sky), but in "playing" with the Photoshop tool, I still amazed by the difference in photos.
Moral judgments asideIt looks fantastic, that's for sure.
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
I only feel it is wrong if you are not up front about. If you replaced the sky, added fog or mist, changed the colour of a persons eyes or remove blemishes or scars and it enhances the image just be honest. Just my 2 cents.
" A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. " Irving Penn
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