Shoot with Nikon. I need a RAW converter. As you all know computer crashed and I can't remember the one I was using. thanks!
This is a discussion on RAW converter within the Photoshop - graphics programs - pluggins - for photography forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Shoot with Nikon. I need a RAW converter. As you all know computer crashed and I can't remember the one ...
Shoot with Nikon. I need a RAW converter. As you all know computer crashed and I can't remember the one I was using. thanks!
My new blog as of Nov/10
ReaConverter. That is what I used when we did the 5x5, and I converted your raw image
Convert RAW images with ReaConverter
Have you tried the free ViewNX2 from Nikon? It does pretty much everything I need. Their translation will be the best as they wrote the RAW processing program but I haven't tried another for comparison. If there is another that is proven better I'd be interested in hearing about it.
K. well i tried the adobe dng converter and I keep getting a parsing error. I tried the one you listed antique but I have over 100 photots and that only allows 5.
Any help people??
d300s camera
My new blog as of Nov/10
Also..can copy pasting raw images from camera to computer corrupt the files? I tried to use adobe bridge but the computer wouldn't allow that so I tried the copy/paste and now wondering if that my be my problem.
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Copy/Paste should work fine. They're just files in the file system. Is it possible that there is corruption of the original on the card?
Another RAW processor that I use as part of my Gimp workflow, though it says it can be used stand-alone is ufRAW: UFRaw - Home
htanks for the reply. I made the mistake of thinking I had to download the dng converter for cs3 (which I use). I tried the version for cs5 and it worked like a charm. Please lottery gods..look my way so I can get set up with a new computer and programs again..please!
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yah. i'm waiting for income tax return. I will be able to claim whatever I get come next year through my personal training business so at least that is one little bonus.. its funny how reliant we are on our computers.
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