As often as I've posted photos from it, I should post it.
Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa, Idaho
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It has a number of flying warbirds. It also has a collection of uniforms, equipment, day to day items and more primarily from WWII. The new extension will house a collection for the Korean and Viet Nam conflicts. That's just getting started.

There's also classroom space and a recording studio. The museum is participating in the Library of Congress project to record veterans' memories. Sue is concentrating on the WWII vets right now, because there are so few left and they're getting older every day.

The museum hosts special exhibits on a regular basis. There were traveling ones for the space station and for women in NASA in the last few years. There are usually several airshows a year, with various themes. If the weather is fit to fly you'll get a good show. Well worth visiting, even on a quiet day.