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Rough week in Central America

This is a discussion on Rough week in Central America within the Photographic essays and classic photography forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; In just the past seven days, residents of Guatemala and parts of neighboring Honduras and El Salvador have had to ...

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    casil403's Avatar
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    Default Rough week in Central America

    In just the past seven days, residents of Guatemala and parts of neighboring Honduras and El Salvador have had to cope with a volcanic eruption and ash fall, a powerful tropical storm, the resulting floods and landslides, and a frightening sinkhole in Guatemala City that swallowed up a small building and an intersection.

    A rough week for Guatemala - The Big Picture -

    That sinkhole is especially something!
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    Bambi's Avatar
    Bambi is offline Senior Member
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    whoa what a series of events!
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    A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.


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