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May 2010 - Photography assignment - Vintage

This is a discussion on May 2010 - Photography assignment - Vintage within the Photo assignments forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I'm not sure about the browser differences so maybe someone else could answer that. What I was going for was ...

  1. #41
    casil403's Avatar
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    I'm not sure about the browser differences so maybe someone else could answer that. What I was going for was kind of the sepia old wild west type cowboy photo that I have seen many times. I thought the subject matter would work as that kind of shot and the weather might help contribute to the look of it. I think I got the look I was going for....thank you for the kind comments.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Default Front Harbour, Chester, '53

    Front Harbour, Chester, '53
    Name:  IMG_7520_edited.jpg
Views: 369
Size:  168.9 KB
    “If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.” – Jay Maisel
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  3. #43
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    Default Old Furnace

    I've been eyeballing this thing for the past 2 weeks. Ancient cast iron furnace...I would love to have this thing in my new place (outside art piece of some kind I think, even though it is about 8 feet tall) and the ornamental fencing behind it....dare to dream.

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  4. #44
    Grant's Avatar
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    Default Slipped Her Mooring

    Today I went into Lunenburg at 9:30 just to get a few shots of the Picton Castle before she shipped out at 2 PM. When I got there horror of horrors she had already slipped away from the wharf. I almost panicked as there were not parking spots to be had. O raced down the the Railway Wharf, parked my car illegally and sprinted down the length of the wharf. Let me tell you sprinting is no easy feat for me. I snapped off one. The I optimized my setting and snapped off three more. She was under steam and would not be in full sail until she cleared the bay, much to far off to photograph. I know this as I did follow the Castle for the next half hour.

    The day was mushy, sort of dark dreary and cold and the light was the pits. I left it on Aperture priority, composed and let Nikon do its thing for exposure.

    Because she will be gone for a year I decided to do three processing of the same image. The first was an HDR colour version. Because I am shooting in 14 bit there is lot of latitude in a single exposure and allows for this pseudo HDR. The second image I decided to make it all dark and moody. The final process was to treat it as a very old image and strip all but the blue light form the image to create an orthochromatic look I then bleached the image to create that old faded look. Finally I Added a texture to create the feel that the image had weathered over the years.

    This is the third image, if you are interested you can see the other two on my flickr.

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    This is the mechanical part of an very old water weir (dam?) in our old hanseatic city.
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  6. #46
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    Old Mt. Rundle

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  7. #47
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    very neat shots guys!

    Grant I am chuckling at the visual of you sprinting down the wharf waving your camera. Now THAT would have been a photo!
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    having fun with the effects in PP: Found this car along a trail in the mountains.

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    This old circa 1955 push button control stove is only a few years older than Greg:

  10. #50
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