Barely into September and already thinking of October ...
Our assignement could be to find, in the town we live in, the haloween decorated home/business that most impressed us. And here's an idea ... let's raise the bar for all of us and only submit night shots.
Would be nice to include, with each submitted photo, the name of the city and the address, so that forum readers of that city can, if they so choose, go admire the decorated home/business.
It's most likely that many photos will be taken on October 31st so the deadline for the October Assignement should be extended to, say, November 7th, giving us enough time to edit our photo and submit it.
or Beer since Oktoberfest is in October.
I like the Halloween theme...
what about Halloween - scary - mysterious
(I much prefer to have wider categories than narrower ones)
Any other suggestions?
I haven't been taking many photos lately so I'm not worried what the subject is ... even Halloween.
I will mention that not everyone's cultures have Halloween in them though. In Australia, although some people do celebrate it, most of us regard it as some stupid American thing and tend disregard it entirely. I'm one of those people.
Extend it to scary - mysterious as you suggest marko and at least then other cultures (it may be ph.CA but there are many countries and cultures represented here now) can lean on those extra options for inspiration.
Amen to that. I like the idea of beer, but whatever. I really like this assignment idea, it should help me with getting out there more and trying new things.
Oh definitely go for it Hodaka. The challenges make you think more about your shots because you have to actually go out and take them specifically for the challenge ... not dig up something that fits from your past shots. AND you can put in as many as you wish so as others inspire you along the way, you can go back out within the month and try different things.
you should of been a salesman!
how about something like this. the color gold. that way beer lovers can get their fix, nature lovers have carte blanche, halloween lovers can certainly find something to fit the bill.
I was ... for 12 years!
But WAIT ... there's More!! Ummm no there isn't ... I got carried away
Actually ... to be honest ... I almost did get carried away. Retail drove me into depression and onto medication for a couple of years after I quit that game.
Only if you accept dead grass as 'gold' coloured. We have that in spades around here!!
do you sound like Billy Hays? his voice was annoying!
Sorry to read about the ill effects of salesmanship. It most certainly takes a special person!!
Oh - and what were you going to attach to the deal??? hee hee
but you have AMAZING critters that i am sure have "gold" on them.... you can always loosely translate what gold is!
No idea who, or what a Billy Hays is but girls always used to say my voice was sexyNot sure if that applies or is still true though.
Although ... when I was talking to marko on the phone once I'm sure he called me sweetheart ... so maybedisclaimer: Sometimes I lie
whoopsie. got his name all wrong. go to the bottom linkie first to hear his lovely voice.
Ah no ... I don't sound like that. Think more of the gentle sound of the sea rocking you to sleep or perhaps the comforting, peaceful tones of a baby sighing ... and I probably don't sound like that either
A haunted saloon in a prairie wheatfield?
I love Hallowe'en and it actually got its origins in Europe with Samhain. See the link
I don't dress up anymore but there are certainly some remarkable costumes around here for Hallowe'en. The best parties are the gay bars where up to half a dozen or more guys (and girls) will dress according to a theme. Because the participants at a gay bar Hallowe'en party are generally uninhibited they are about the funnest parties going.
Thanks MA. We around here knew halloween only from hollywood movies....
You're welcome Yisehaq.
I don't want to take Halloween away from those that enjoy it and I'm we'll see some cool shots if that subject is chosen, but just thought marko's idea to expand the topic was a good idea for those of us not having Halloween in our cultures.
I like mysterious or scary or a combination of the two...I`m not much of a Halloween person but I can do scary or mysterious.![]()